Thursday, April 8, 2010


The world is viewed through many eyes
As are those that are in it
We each wear the glasses of our own experience
Our own thoughts and feelings changing what we see
Some see the world as it might be
Some see the world as it they would have it
Some see the world through fears and worries
Some see it though hopes and dreams

Often times we are our own worst critic
Seeing only the cracks, the chinks in our armour
Looking upon our failures as if they were all that mattered
Peering into the mirror and only looking down

But what it we could see the world through the eyes of those around us?
Visions of who we are to others
The impact we share on those around us
The impression we leave on those we’ve become a part of
Through the eyes of those that love us
What would we think then?

Would we be more willing to look in that mirror and see the good?
More able to glimpse the positive and ignore the negative?
To see the good and not the bad?

What then if we could see through the eyes of those on high?
To feel even a portion of the love they have for us?
To be able to forget our own transgressions as they do
To glimpse into our potential in the eternities
What we could become
What might be
Could we see our weaknesses in a new light?
Could we find the strength to rely on others that we may all benefit?
Could we find new strength and power in ourselves?

Visions of what could be flood my mind
Garnishing my dreams with amazing possibilities
I have felt that love, even in part
For me, for others
For those I care about and those I don’t
But most of all for you

In my arms

A smile on your face causes its mirror image in my heart
A touch, an embrace, as we come closer
Comfort like I’ve never felt before
So simple, so pure
My mind stills
Everything else leaves my thoughts
Quiet there like never before
It’s just a moment
One that I would have last an eternity
I can be there with you and nowhere else
No thoughts of tomorrow or what might be
No worries for the future or thoughts of the past
It’s just a moment
Why can’t it be more?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


They can be rare and sometimes elusive, but there are certainly some moments that can define one’s life. The choice to move here or there, a change of jobs or even careers, marriage, death, and even sometimes the monotonous can have an enormous impact on a life. Some of these events are far out of our control. There is often little we can do about someone near to us passing away, though we can choose how it affects us. When there is a choice involved we may often look to a friend or loved one for advice and counsel on what we should do. Some of us may seek help from something a little higher up. Other choices seem guided from the start.

I generally try to avoid classifying things as “inspired” or “guided” unless I’m dang sure what just happened (if I pray and get an answer that’s one thing, but if a series of seemingly coincidental events occur it’s always a little harder for me to label it), but there is one that I’m starting to feel more and more sure about. Many of you may be aware that I recently took a firefighter trainee exam. Plenty of you may even be aware of how that came about, but I’m going to share it again just in case you’re curious.

Trying to find something to do with my somewhat copious amount of free time, I noticed a post on FB by my uncle in Virginia who is a volunteer firefighter. Thinking to myself that firefighting could be something I could do (I’m still not sure why in the world I thought that), I looked online to find out about volunteering with TVFR. At the time, they had finished taking all their applications for the year so I was out of luck. At that point I promptly gave up and moved on. Moved on at least until a couple weeks later when I happened to have FHE at my house. A few of us made strudel and watched a movie, and eventually everyone went home leaving me by myself. The TV was on and though I had no intention of watching it (I just wanted some background noise), I changed it over to cable to find the news on. I NEVER watch the news. EVER. Even if it’s just going to be on for background noise. But there I was that night, cleaning up after FHE with the news on for some reason. Not 5 minutes later did the news come on to announce that Portland Fire and Rescue was going to be hiring and provided details on what to do. Without even realizing what had happened, I had applied. I don’t think there was really any conscious thought behind this one, it just was. Can you see why I’m not sure what to make of this? It could just be some random coincidence (though rare, they do exist) or some act of my subconscious. Maybe that morning I had heard about that story in my sleep. Maybe someone mentioned it to me and I had forgotten but it was enough to get me to turn on the news. I don’t know, but the more invested into this course I become the more I feel like it is where I need to be, job or no.

I’m still a little confused as to exactly how that confluence of events ended up happening, but at this point it’s done. The test is taken and now I await my results. If I get the job I will embark on a whole new career; one that may have an intense impact on who I am and who I become. If I don’t then I don’t. The only thing I know now is that this experience has changed me regardless of the outcome. It has opened up avenues of conversation with friends old and new. It has given me better insight into how those around me perceive who I am. I’ve realized that some of my barriers aren’t as ever-present as they have been. It has made me realize that I am ready for something new, even if this isn’t it.

But as I await the envelope that may contain a new and somewhat unexpected future for me, one of the largest revelations I’ve come across is that I am still me. I’m not panicking, freaking out, or even really excited about what may be in store. I’m anticipating an answer, but I’ll be fine with any result. That’s just who I am and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. If it happens I think I will be happy, and if it doesn’t I think I will be disappointed, but for now I’m the same old me, cold and unfeeling as I may seem. It’s all good all the time, at least as long as you believe it is.

Here comes the future, whithersoever it takes me.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This is a several part missive on some issues about dating and communication in regards to the upcoming communication seminar to take place in our ward. I was asked for some thoughts, and as it turns out there are a few of them (who knew, right?) so I'm posting them here as well. So here they are:

Our too accepting nature

I had a branch president in the MTC who was from Japan. He was in his 60’s I believe and though his English wasn’t perfect, he always tried his best. His nephew was in the other district in my branch, and one day related a wonderful story about him that we could all learn from. He told me about one evening when his uncle was over for dinner with his family. Brother Watabe made a simple grammatical error, which this missionary’s mother corrected. This young man then chastised his mother because such a small and simple error wasn’t anything to worry about, because really, everyone knew what he meant. Brother Watabe then spoke up, telling everyone there that he wanted them to correct his English so that he could be a more effective communicator. He realized that he may never have perfect English, but he would always try his best and wanted everyone around him to help.

Not all of us have perfected out social skills, so we all have something to learn from others; but a big part of that is being humble and accepting when people around us try to help. One of my good friends in this ward constantly tries to improve his social skills by soliciting help from others, and it has shown by no small measure. If we can all learn to be comfortable helping others lovingly, and accepting help when it is given, then we may all become more effective people, much less more effective communicators.

Dating friends

I think there is some concern in our ward, and certainly other places as well, about dating friends. We run into a few issues there that might need to be addressed. First off, our ward isn’t huge and we have some very friendly people, which means that by and large you may end up with a pretty large circle of friends. Taking them out of your dating pool may severely limit your options, especially as you take into account that the people you are friends with are usually the ones you best get along with. It doesn’t make any sense to me to restrict yourself in such a manner.

The second point is I suppose more of a rebuttal to a concern I have heard about dating friends. Yes, sometimes things can get awkward if you date your friends. If things end badly it may be hard to go back to the friendship you once had, and it can complicate your social circle. I think if you look at it on a longer scale though, you’ll find that those consequences can be a little, well, inconsequential. Look at it this way, how many of us are as close with some of our friends that have married and left our ward than we used to be? I’m not saying we aren’t friends with them anymore, but it’s certainly different.

If I’m considering dating a friend, but worried about ending the friendship, my figuring is then this: in all likelihood, at least one of us is going to get married at some point, and after that the friendship will never be the same regardless. So seeing as the friendship will never stay the same regardless of what else you do, there isn’t a whole lot to lose by taking that chance. There are always risks, but losing a friendship seems to me to be a temporary one, and the potential reward seems to certainly outweigh that risk. Yes it may get awkward. Yes you may lose a friend. It could cause a situation in your whole social circle. But if you can both be adults about it, a date or two shouldn’t be a big deal; if there is more than that however, then the risk would already be worth the reward in my book, as there seems to at least be something there.

Putting it more simply, at some point the two of you will stop being friends one way or another. Why not take a chance and find out if that reason is because you married them?


I have several female friends in our ward that have fallen victim to a somewhat scary trend. There are some individuals (mostly men) who seem to have trouble taking no for an answer. Some of this may have something to do with the girls not being straightforward about things (as mentioned in my post about straightforward communication) but I certainly don’t believe that is the heart of the issue.

A few of these guys are simply unwilling to accept anything less than a relationship from these women – something they are not willing to, or capable of, entering into with these individuals. So instead these women try to be friends with these guys, something they are willing to offer. But it’s never enough for them, and they seemingly constantly try to press the issue much to the frustration of these wonderful ladies. Some of the women involved have been in committed relationships, or even engaged, but their explanation of such appears to fall upon deaf ears. No means no. Taken is taken. Engaged is engaged. Enough is enough.

As I told one of my friends dealing with this issue, if a guy can’t respect your decision in this matter, then he doesn’t respect you. And if he doesn’t respect you, then he doesn’t deserve your friendship. If they have decided that friendship isn’t enough and refuse to let it go, let them go. If they don’t want to be your friend, why do you keep trying to be theirs?


One of the problems some guys run into when it comes to dating these days circles around proper etiquette. The world we live in now is very much different than the world 10, or even 20 years ago, much less 50. The rules used to be a lot more clear, and most everyone followed them. Now however, we run into some issues with what can be expected of us guys; especially since those expectations can seem to vary widely from person to person. Certain actions will likely always be expected, or at least welcome; but some seem to becoming slowly outdated or even unwelcome at times.

Take ordering for the lady at a restaurant. Personally I’ve never done it as it just seems strange to me, plus I’ve heard some horror stories from some women I know. Another example might be opening a car door for someone. Again this feels a little strange and perhaps extreme to me, but I do it anyway, or at least I did. One time on a date I was told by the lady I was with that it was unnecessary and made her feel a little strange, so I stopped. Then when I was on another date I assumed the same principle would apply, only to feel like a failure when I didn’t open that woman’s car door. It would seem I have fallen victim to a new double standard, where some would expect a certain level of etiquette and others another.

I think perhaps I’ve learned my lesson, do everything until told otherwise; but I think there is a lesson here for our women as well: be clear and upfront about your expectations or preferences of etiquette with men. It may be a bit unromantic to get into a car and let the guy know that you would appreciate it if he would open your car door the next time, but maybe then he will. If he refuses, then maybe he isn’t the guy for you. I think you both would be happier knowing what the other expects and is willing to provide.

Commonalities (shared interests)

I think perhaps some of us might need a bit of a reality check. Life is not a movie. Most of us will never experience a “fairy tale” romance. Many of us may have unrealistic expectations about what we are looking for in a partner.

Certain qualities should of course be non-negotiable. If you are looking for a temple marriage, you should find a partner doing the same. But I think sometimes we fall into a trap when we try to find someone compatible. I’ve found that a common tendency is to find someone just like you. Someone with the same taste in music, the same feelings about sports, you both watch the same TV shows, you like the same movies, etc, etc. It is certainly nice to have many things in common with your mate, I hardly think those things are tantamount to compatibility. While these are things that are great to have in friends, and nice to have in a spouse, I don’t think they are as necessary as some people believe. We focus too much on the superficial, and not enough on the eternal. TV shows, movies, and sports may matter very little in the eternities, but it seems like sometimes we forget that.

My parents have little in common. My dad likes science fiction and action movies. My mom loves romantic comedies. My dad plays computer games in his free time, and my mom scrapbooks. My dad listens to more modern music while my mom seems stuck in the 80’s. The list goes on and on, including some pretty big schisms about some serious issues like child-rearing. But you know what? They love each other and they make it work.

Another issue here may be that we get stuck in a rut. We keep dating the same type of person again and again to no avail. Maybe we’re too busy focusing on finding someone as athletic or trendy or successful as ourselves that we overlook what we have to gain from those around us who are different. It is not from times of comfort that we learn the most, but as we struggle to learn and grow in the face of adversity. Now I’m not advocating that we try to make marriage any harder than it already is; but without trials and struggles, how can we grow?

Honestly, does a marriage to someone just like you sound like much fun long-term? You can of course spend a great deal of time together since you have all the same interests, but doesn’t that sound a little monotonous? If you take to different people they can learn and grow together, taking their different interests and experiences and learning from each other such that they may both improve themselves. Think of all the things you’ve gained from being friends with people different than you. Without those experiences you might be a very different person today.

I don’t think it’s a matter of finding someone similar to us, but instead finding someone compatible with us.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


New Pain

Misdirected, I'm awakened.
Manifests in, into my head.
I feel new pain, becoming part of me
Becoming part of my every, every moment.
You told me you wanted and hated me.

You kill me now. This becomes part.
I'm so sure. I'm so confused.
I'm all things to you. Nothing to you.
I feel new pain in these shadows
Of my every, every moment now.

You told me you wanted and hated me.
You kill me now. This becomes part of me.

You told me that you wanted me
You told me you hate me
A tear for our suffering as you told me that I'm the one.
You wanted to kill me, and now it makes this all ugly.
Becomes part of me, turning into this new pain.

You told me you wanted and hated me
You kill me, now this becomes part of me
And now I suffer. My heart to my mind, it burns
It rips. It hurts. It kills.

The Only
You’re winning, I’m losing
I'm falling, in agony
Lower than Lower before
Your forgotten memory

My heaven, my hell
I'm killing the fantasy
More and more, you follow
My divorced reality

It’s trying to take me
It’s trying to make me
This is the only
Give me the only thing
I'm tired of trying
I'm tired of lying
The only thing I understand is what I feel.

Hypocrite, Lunatic
Fanatic, heretic
More and more you follow
My divorced reality

It’s trying to take me
It’s trying to make me
This is the only
Give me the only thing
I'm tired of trying
I'm tired of lying
The only thing I understand is what I feel.


Breathing, seething, fighting, biting, hating, waiting for you.
Don't I? Won't I? Don't lie.

Give it, get it, live it, let it
Dedicated, nothing sacred for me
Don't I? Won't I? I die.

Wreak havoc, I'm crippled.
My polluted soul, is so corrupted.

In your eyes, I see all the lies
The alibis, that I despise.
See the lies, my spirit dies
It’s my disguise, Monster size.

Breathing, seething, fighting, biting, hating, waiting for you.
I don't know why I try

Give it, get it, live it, let it
Dedicated, nothing sacred anymore
I can't see me, I'm blind

Wreak havoc, I'm crippled.
My polluted soul, is so corrupted.

In your eyes, see all the lies
The alibis, That I despise

Wreak havoc, I'm crippled
Erasing, Refacing
So worthless, no mercy
My polluted soul, is so corrupted.

I sold my soul
I sold myself
I sold my soul
I make my hell
Crossing the line, I waste away
Steal and cheat, all day

What is mine? I’m lost
What is this face staring
Staring back at me
Cross this line, I am sick
I am sick, I know it

Screaming, scratching
Giving, getting
Through me
Crawling, balling
Giving into

Take all day, suck all day
Worm away, turn away
I am sick, I know it


So I've betrayed self
So I've betrayed you
So what now?
So what do we do?

Pushing you away
Pushing you away
Away from me.

So I'm, I'm confused
So you're not amused
So I'm feeling used
So what do we do?

I’m Pushing you away
Pushing you away
Away from me

Empty inside
I'm dying, I'm crying
She makes me bad
Betrays my head
Empty inside
I'm dying, I'm crying
She makes me bad

I gotta run
Make me take it
Take out the big one
I can't forget, I can’t
See it infect me

Enter the world anew
This is my own world
Naked, I’m resurfacing

I come to realize
That I'm not home now
But you can see inside me
If I can't forget just
Leave me alone now
It's time to go out, shut down

I'm sick of this mutation
All of this manipulation
It becomes my salvation
Taking, taking from those around me

I'm dead inside, my head my mind
Right way wrong way, this cage is my rage
My cord ripped out, cry out for help
Call this my own

All In Wait

Drowning myself, over and over
Desolate, trying it's over

Why so cynical in life?
You think you're living to die
All in wait, all in wait

Burning inside, long for answers
Makes no sense, trying, it's over.

Why so cynical in life
You think you're living to die
All in wait

Step down and smile at this fool
That believes his own word
All in wait

Now I'm drowning myself over and over
Makes no sense, we're trying, but you say it's over
Burning inside as we long for the answers
We're trying, but you say it's over.

Control It

Everybody, soul and body cold
All this sickness, you lost control
You can't get it
You just don't get it, no
You can't get it
I’m zero

Look within me, am I evil though?
Memories bring tears of years old
You can't get it
You just don't get it, no
You can't get it
I’m zero

Life - you take it
Lies - you fake it
Suffer - within me
Torn - you break it
Life - control it
Lies - withhold it
Suffer - you're sinning
Torn - you're wasted
Those with defects

We're all rejects, so?
Don't forget it, cold inside
You can't get it
You just don't get it, no
You can't get it
You got zero
Break this, take control
Take this, I control it.


This pain is fleeting, as it rings out
My head is bleeding, slow down

Can't keep doing this
What you want me to
The marching shepherd said
See my broken head

Live your own life
I got myself
Out of your sight

It's ugly, you see
I don't care what you think now
Forgive me, forget
Don't take the easy way out

Can't keep doing this
What you want me to
The marching shepherd said
See my broken head


This moment in time
This moment defined
How is it I feel nothing?

Just don't say goodbye
You say to me
I'm trying to do the right thing

This moment in time
This moment defined
How is it I feel nothing?

It's alright

All my life I was an outcome
Now I find I’ve done nothing wrong
Leave me to learn
Leave me to hurt
Now I'm not so invincible

So you ask
Just don't say goodbye
Just won't you please
I'm trying to do the right thing

It's alright

All my life I was in the cold
Now I find I feel nothing more
Leave me to learn
Leave me to hurt
Now you’re not so invincible

It's just come to this you know


Some people it seems have interesting ideas about me and who I am. More specifically they have interesting ideas about how I feel. Even more specifically, they seem to have come to some conclusions about the “how” in “how I feel.” It isn’t even always the same conclusion, nor do they tend to be consistent. Somehow a lot of them end up being a bit extreme (meaning that I have either a lot of emotion or none at all).

One girl I knew a long time ago described me as cold and unfeeling, whilst at the same time accusing me of having a secret huge crush on her. Don’t those two things seem a little mutually exclusive? Either I should be unfeeling and not capable of experiencing said crush, or I have emotions.

The truth, as it usually does, lies somewhere in the middle. I have emotions, they just tend to be a little bit more internal than most. The usual approach I take to life definitely tends towards the pragmatic, which leaves some people the impression that I am cold. I hardly see it that way, but instead consider myself to have a kind of… unique perspective. Through many years of struggling within myself, I’ve learned to compartmentalize things very well; so much so that I am usually capable of removing emotion from many of my decisions. I think this is one of the reasons that people come to me for advice, because I can take myself and my feelings out the situation and make a more objective consideration of the options. None of this equates to me lacking emotions by any means, it simply says to me that I have a different relationship with mine than you do yours.

I can also set feelings aside pretty easily if need be. If it so happens that I develop feelings for someone that doesn’t return them to the same degree, or of the same type, then I can usually process that pretty quickly and then move on. I’ve always been able to be friends easily with girls I’ve dated, not that I’ve dated many girls at all; but still, none of the awkwardness, should there be any, has come from my side to the best of my knowledge. There is one girl right now that I took on a date, and she didn’t seem to want to go out with me again. Unfortunately now things are awkward between us, likely because she thinks I have un-reciprocated feelings for her, even though I have already put those feelings away and would have no problem just being friends. Sometimes I just want to go up to her and explain that I get it, she doesn’t want to date me, and that’s ok; can we just go back to being friends already? I'm pretty sure that would just make things worse however, as everytime something similar has happened to me that's been the case.

It also means that I don’t really get stressed out, which can be very nice. Also helpful with that is my firm belief that if you are doing all you can, then things will work out as they should. It’s all good all the time. If you can fix something, what is the use in worrying? If nothing can be done, same question, what good will worrying do you? If your concern for something brings you to action that is one thing, but I see little point in letting stress, or any other negative situation rule your life. You can choose to feel how you choose to feel.

One evening I was at a small dinner gathering (it was me and 4 girls) and I was asked if I ever cried (the question was related to a recent and fairly severe injury). My response was that I have been known to cry for emotional reasons, but not from pain. There is one episode of an older TV show that will just about always get at least a tear or two from my eyes, but those moments do tend to be slightly few and far between.

More recently, but I suppose this has always been the case to some degree or another, some of the wonderful ladies in my life have developed the impression that I may have a very large crush on them. I think I’m up to about 5 or 6 in the last year. Some of those ladies I did or do care for to a greater degree than most, and I certainly wouldn’t mind taking a few of them out on dates; but I would hardly classify my feeling as a “huge crush.” A friend and I were recently talking about many of these things, and we came to the conclusion that we both have walls that are very hard to take down and are quickly rebuilt. We tend to temper feelings or excitement or anticipation for things that have yet to happen such that we aren’t disappointed later. I think it might go even further with me, in that since it is so very hard to forge any sort of real emotional bond with someone, I can’t really see myself developing a crush like unto the ones people have thought I had on them, at least without some sort of precipitating event or some sort of relationship beginning to form.

I strongly believe myself to be capable of all those feelings, but I think those things exist on a longer timeline for me than most. Just as it may take me longer to become physically close to someone, it can take me a fair amount of time to forge that strong of feelings for anyone.

Maybe a bit of clarification is in order there. None of the above is to say that I don’t care for the people around me; I very much do. However, I think the level of caring usually has a long plateau that is hard to overcome for most. Perhaps one of the reasons some people tend to think I have crushes on them is the way I treat my friends.

I learned from a very young age how to treat family from my dad. Family is the most important thing there is, followed closely by friends. I will do just about anything for someone I call a friend. Well, I’d probably do just about anything for most people I know, even if I don’t particularly care for them. That doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll hang around them much, but if they have a genuine need, I will try and do what I can for them. What that sometimes means however, is that all the favors I end up doing for some people get misconstrued as interest; though I would do whatever thing I just did for just about anyone, interest or no. Some of those people have realized this, and perhaps some have not. I just like doing nice things for friends, regardless of whether or not I would like to date them. Part of my ability to compartmentalize means that I can separate “friends” activities and “non-friends” activities very easily, it just so happens that my definition of those things may be very different than yours.

Oh feelings. Why do you always have to be so complicated?

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Those of you who know me at all (or at least have read anything below) know that I love to cook. Those of you who know me a little better might know that I don’t care for baking at all. To me baking is science and cooking is art (granted there are plenty of artsy-type things that can be done with baked goods, but I’m talking the making of part – not the aesthetics).

When you bake generally you are following a recipe (or using a box) that is pretty exacting. You need so much salt, flour, eggs, baking soda or powder etc. or whatever it is you’re making just won’t come out right. Maybe it doesn’t rise, or it falls, or burns, or something, but if you waivered from the instructions too much, you might find yourself in a world of hurt. It’s just like a chemistry lab, albeit one you can eat, but still. It just doesn’t seem like any fun to me, just following the rules like a good little soldier and coming out with the exact same thing every time.

Cooking is way more exciting! It’s all about taking what you have around you and trying to make something delicious out of it. Sure, sometimes you’ll fail and massacre your meal, but what better way is there to learn than through failure?! Sometimes it is better to walk the path you know, but others it’s better to go off-roading and find an amazing new place to play. Cooking pork chops in applesauce, turkey breast in grape jam, banana sausage, blackened veal, and the famous buffalo chicken pizza would not have been possible without a little mis-adventuring in between culinary epiphanies. Plus I just think it’s fun to throw things together and see what tastes good.

Don’t get me wrong, it definitely takes some skill and a lot of practice; but I think it’s well worth it. Either way, you’re welcome to come over for dinner!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Straightforward Communication

So before I talked about trick communication, focused mostly on baiting questions and the like. This time I would like to talk about being more honest, straightforward, and even blunt in what we say.

A prime example here (and really the one I most want to get off my chest) involves dating. I’m sure I will speak much more on this subject over time, but for now I will focus on being straightforward and clear when communicating in regards to dating.

In the past few months there have been a few opportunities for the singles in my church to inter-mingle with different groups of said singles than they are used to. There was speed dating, a mixed group dinner and dance, and I think a couple more in the recent past. At one of these activities, a friend of mine was asked on a date. She didn’t really care to go with him, but figured hey, it was just a first date. They tentatively planned something for a few days later and continued with the activity. As the evening progressed, the guy my friend was with suggested that they leave and go see a movie then. My friend, thinking that she could get that date over with now instead of later, agreed. After the movie was all said and done, and my friend was being dropped off, the guy then asks if they are still on for a few days later, and my friend, having trouble turning people down, kind of agrees as the guy says that he’ll call her.

While there are certainly at least a couple of things wrong with this picture in my mind (I don’t know if leaving an activity to go on a date is a great idea, and I certainly have mixed feelings about asking people out on a date whilst still on a date), I feel that more problems could have been avoided if my friend had been clear at that point and just said no thanks to the second date.

Many, many people (mostly girls) will try and tell me how rude that would be, but I don’t find the truth to be very rude, especially compared to the alternative. I think the general thought is that they want to let the guy down easy, so they tell him they are “busy,” leaving the guy to wonder what just happened. Is she busy? Does she not want to go out? Should I ask for another time? The list of questions tends to drag on (Yes, guys are just as prone to over-analyze every little thing as girls are). If you are interested, but busy, try suggesting another time for the activity, or simply tell him to check back with you in couple weeks when you might be more free. If you aren’t interested, instead simply be clear and give a short but as kind as you can be “no thanks” then at least the guy will receive a clear message and you both know where things stand. That isn’t to say he isn’t disappointed, of course he is! He wanted to go on a date with you, and you didn’t want to go on one with him; that seems a fine reason to be disappointed to me. However disappointing the message is though, I don’t think it is the way it is presented that would be the problem, and in the end I think he would thank you (assuming of course he can get over himself and maybe you) for at least being upfront about it.

The story gets worse when this guy called to try and set something up, and once again my friend was the ever elusive “busy.” She even went so far as to say that she would love to join him for the proposed activity, but couldn’t because she had another commitment (she actually did have a commitment, but she also definitely didn’t want to go out with him). To me this is pretty much flat out lying, and is certainly more rude than just telling him no. Plus, you are raising these poor guys’ hopes, only to drag the whole process out until he finally gives up in exasperation. It’s not “nicer,” it’s you trying to remove yourself from a hard situation and taking the easier (and much more frustrating for the other party) way out. Lastly, in what I assume to be a misguided move of desperation this guy called my friend and left a pretty rude message something along the lines of “whenever you feel like not being busy and asking me out, give me a call.” Not exactly a smooth move there, but I almost don’t blame him, as he was presented with some pretty dang mixed signals (and sometimes girls wonder why we don’t get them).

Someone did a study once on which was worse, waiting for pain or just getting it over with. Most people chose to have a larger amount of pain inflicted immediately rather than a smaller amount of pain after waiting a few seconds. Rip the bandage off, don’t play around with it. Be brave and bold.

Of course I’m not going to play it off like girls are the only one at fault here, as I’m sure guys have much to work on as far as being straightforward with girls. But if we can both just work on it a little bit, I think we’ll all be better off in the end. As far as I am concerned I would always prefer a straight answer than a dodged question, and ladies, if you think about it, wouldn’t you like the same?


Short story time here (edited slightly for ease of reading, and maybe to make me appear to be as awesome as I am): So I was riding in a car with a few people after a longish night out, when the conversation turned somewhat to dating (it often seems to be a theme among young single adults for some reason…). It was pointed out that one of the individuals in the car had many more opportunities to date and perhaps meet someone of quality since they were attending a church school. The comment was then brought up by me to one of the females in the car “What was it you said before? All the guys in our ward are either creepy, weird and/or lacking social skills, gay, or not dating?” The return to my question/statement was that was the case (I had hoped so, since I was quoting her), and in addition the qualifier that the guys that are dating aren’t motivated, or something to that extent.

At this point there was little else I could do but feel that was at least partly directed at me, having taken that young lady out just a few weeks before and my attempt to ask her out again, while not seamlessly pulled off on my part by any means, appeared to have been rebuffed. So I got to thinking, what about me might give off the fact that I lacked motivation?

At first glance I realized that I hadn’t exactly been smart with some of my conversations with her. At one point or another (and actually a good portion of our date conversation revolved around this one way or another) we talked about school. If you don’t know the story, I guess now is a good a time as any to share it.

I don’t like school. Don’t get me wrong, I’m great at it for the most part, but the whole format just doesn’t really work for me. I love to learn things, but the whole manner by which knowledge is presented and accounted for at school confounds me to no end. I consider myself to be a very smart individual, and on the whole I can learn most things very quickly. I also love to learn, and spend large quantities of my free time studying something or other, just to know more. But school is so filled with busy work, essays, needless tests, and other giant wastes of time that it just drains all the fun out of learning for me.

I’ve managed to choose a career field where school isn’t really important. In the culinary world, a degree is just a piece of paper that may or may not get your foot in the door, and after that it is all about skill. I’ve managed through hard work and what I consider to be considerable talent to rise pretty far in my field for someone my age, degree or no. Both my aunt and uncle (they’re married and even met while working for the same restaurant chain) have been Executive Chefs (Head Chefs) at one point or another; however my aunt got there first. She started out as a hostess at Red Robin at a very young age and worked her way to the top, with talent and drive. My uncle went to culinary school, and while he started at a higher position, he also took longer to get his foot in the door, waiting to finish school to enter the field.

Bear with me a bit while I expound upon my virtues, and go over my employment history. At the ripe old age of 8 I started working for Intel as an unofficial tester. I would get paid in gift certificates that I would then use to buy new computer games which certainly seemed like an amazing deal at the time. That continued for a few good years, until I turned 16 and was finally able to get a real job there. I became a “Lab Technologies Administrator.” Basically I was in charge of a giant room full of computers and had to configure them to run all kinds of tests and simulations. It sounded like my dream job at first, and a good way to start out at a company I hoped to work for the rest of my life. As a child, my dream was to become “President of Intel.” Soon after I realized that I just wasn’t cut out for office work. I would arrive at work at around 8 in the morning. I would do some work and then check the clock. 8:01. Do some more work, check the clock. 8:03. After six months I just couldn’t handle it anymore, and chose not to renew my contract.

Being unemployed for a bit, I had to start thinking about what I was going to do; seeing as president of Intel didn’t seem like it was going to work out anymore. Somehow and for some reason, I ended up on food. At first I think it just seemed like the only other option, like it was the only other thing I was any kind of good at (I was way better at being self-disparaging back then) so I started looking for a job in the kitchen. Remember how my aunt and uncle were executive chefs? That one ended up working out real well for me in the form of a job at Gustav’s. It was a great job doing night prep and desserts (which I now know to be the work no one else wants to do) and the time I was there flew by. Instead of looking at the clock to see when I could leave, I would sometimes get in trouble for getting my job done too early, volunteering to help with other things, and then staying too long.

The biggest problem with the job was that it was out in Clackamas and I didn’t have a car; which meant a two and a half hour bus and max ride each way. That was ok during the summer, but when school started back up, it was a nightmare. I was promised to be transferred to a new location time and time again, but when those promises fell through there was little I could do but quit.

A friend of mine in the culinary program at school had just gotten a job at a local pizza place just down the road from my house. Somehow he ended up getting me one too, and so began my illustrious life in the pizza industry.

I worked that job until I left on my mission (and I mean right until I left too, I was there until the day I got set apart), and after I got back and everything was still up in the air (I suppose I’ll save that story for another time) I got my job back. A few short months after that I became the assistant manager just shy of my 20th birthday. When things became more clear on whether I was going back out into the field or not (short answer: no), I decided to look for a job elsewhere. Somewhere along the way I ended up with a job at Stanford’s.

Of course it couldn’t be quite that easy as I turned in my two weeks’ notice about as soon as I was told I had a job, but seeing as I was currently mentoring Westview High School’s culinary team, and one of the sous chefs from Stanford’s was a judge, I couldn’t start yet until the competition was over (to avoid some sort of conflict of interest or some such nonsense). As it turned out, over half the staff at the pizza place had quit or turned in notice soon after I had given mine, so I wasn’t quite welcome to stay until I could start my new job. Eventually it all worked out though I promised never to work pizza again.

Soon after I started at Stanford’s I was promoted to, and was generally working “Point.” I was basically responsible for everything that came from the cold side of the kitchen and the fryers, making sure it was of the proper quality to serve, and also to co-ordinate my department with the hot side to ensure that an entire table’s food was ready at the same time. I was directly supervising eight people, and had a fair amount of say on how things were run (while I wasn’t considered a manager, I was invited to the manager meetings). 6 of the people who were under me had graduated from, or were currently in culinary school. All of them were older than me. I was their boss.

Later, to supplement my income (and get out of doing morning prep…) I got a second job at another pizza place delivering (so much for not working pizza again huh?). Not too terribly long after that, my family decided for some reason that it was time to open up a business (my dad had pretty much always wanted to) and so we opened a pizza place, and bought another already open one.

For a couple years I was in charge of the family pizza business. At one point we had two stores, and I was in charge of both of them. For a good long time, we had the number 4 or 5 store in the system, and were consistently the number one store in Oregon. Not an easy feat considering I was by far the youngest District Manager in companywide. Over 100 people worked for me one way or another during that time, and in the end, I was responsible for everything.

There is an incredibly long story associated with how that all worked out (or rather didn’t), but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my fault so much as the people trying to steal from us every time we turned around (between the franchisor and the employees, it was hard to make any money, much less pay the lawyers…) so we sold both locations leaving me more or less out of a job. I promised never to work in pizza again.

So I went on unemployment and started looking for a job. It turns out I had really bad timing and there were very few places looking to hire. Most of the time I was doing that, I just got a feeling that what I needed in life right then was to not have a job. A couple months later a really great opportunity to work with a non-profit one of my former employees had started, so I took it. While I was still relying on unemployment for income, I was putting most of my effort into raising money for kids, so I felt like it was probably an even trade. I was still looking for a job, and managed to get a few interviews here and there, but nothing ended up working out, so I spent most of my free time either studying one subject or another or trying to raise money for kids.

Later this year me and another guy in the non-profit plan to become nationaly certified climbing guides so that we can take groups out and really raise some money. I've also been looking at it as a profession, and it's really not that bad. If I found a way to pull it off, I could work really really hard for 6-8 months of climbing season and I could then afford to take the rest of the year off. It's kind of like being a teacher but instead of having the summer off, I'd have the rainy season(s) off instead, and I'd be doing something (else) I love.

Once summer had passed, and most everything that could be done for the non-profit was over, I returned to my job search full time. Not a whole lot ended up panning out, so I did what I thought I might never do again, look for a job in pizza, because at this point, a job is a job (promises promises...). I think it took me about a whole week to get a new job driving, and I think two weeks after that for me to be offered a management position. As tempting as that may be, between work and my unemployment, I actually make more than my boss. So for now I deliver pizzas and look for something a little more secure (and hopefully not in pizza). If it came down to it though, there is certainly a living to be had in the pizza industry, and apparently I might be a little bit good at it.

So there you go, a giant story about how great I am (it was bound to happen). Most of it is probably even true-ish. I may be a bit biased, but I’m of the opinion that I may be a little more motivated than I am given credit for sometimes, and though this past year has thrown me through a few loops, I feel grateful for where I am, and I feel that it is more or less exactly where I should be. I think I have accomplished a lot in an often very tough career field, especially for someone of my age.

Maybe I just need to get better at selling my virtues instead of concentrating on my pitfalls. Maybe we all do.