Thursday, January 7, 2010


Those of you who know me at all (or at least have read anything below) know that I love to cook. Those of you who know me a little better might know that I don’t care for baking at all. To me baking is science and cooking is art (granted there are plenty of artsy-type things that can be done with baked goods, but I’m talking the making of part – not the aesthetics).

When you bake generally you are following a recipe (or using a box) that is pretty exacting. You need so much salt, flour, eggs, baking soda or powder etc. or whatever it is you’re making just won’t come out right. Maybe it doesn’t rise, or it falls, or burns, or something, but if you waivered from the instructions too much, you might find yourself in a world of hurt. It’s just like a chemistry lab, albeit one you can eat, but still. It just doesn’t seem like any fun to me, just following the rules like a good little soldier and coming out with the exact same thing every time.

Cooking is way more exciting! It’s all about taking what you have around you and trying to make something delicious out of it. Sure, sometimes you’ll fail and massacre your meal, but what better way is there to learn than through failure?! Sometimes it is better to walk the path you know, but others it’s better to go off-roading and find an amazing new place to play. Cooking pork chops in applesauce, turkey breast in grape jam, banana sausage, blackened veal, and the famous buffalo chicken pizza would not have been possible without a little mis-adventuring in between culinary epiphanies. Plus I just think it’s fun to throw things together and see what tastes good.

Don’t get me wrong, it definitely takes some skill and a lot of practice; but I think it’s well worth it. Either way, you’re welcome to come over for dinner!

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